You have the option to permanently delete your Funi user account and all associated accounts. Please be aware that this action is irreversible. Once you delete your user and accounts, all your data, including listings, account information, and credits, will be permanently removed from our system and cannot be recovered.
If you are certain you want to proceed with deleting your user and accounts, follow these steps.
Step by step
Go to Settings: Tap the Settings icon in the bottom navigation bar of the Funi app.
Navigate to Privacy: In the Settings menu, tap on Privacy.
Select "Delete your user and accounts": Within the Privacy settings, tap on Delete your user and accounts. This option is usually located at the bottom of the Privacy settings screen.
Confirmation Dialog: A confirmation dialog will appear to ensure you understand the implications of this action. The dialog will have the following message:
Title: "Delete your user and accounts"
Content: "Your user and all accounts you own will be permanently deleted. Are you sure?"
Buttons: Cancel (left) and Delete (right, in red).
Review the Confirmation: Carefully read the confirmation message. Ensure you understand that this action is permanent and will delete all your data.
Confirm Deletion:
If you do not want to proceed with deletion, tap Cancel. This will close the dialog and return you to the Privacy settings. No changes will be made.
If you are sure you want to delete your user and accounts, tap Delete (the red button).
Deletion Process: Upon tapping Delete, the app will initiate the deletion process.
Logout and Redirection: Once the deletion process is started, you will be automatically logged out of the Funi app and redirected to the login screen.
After completing these steps, your user and all associated accounts will be permanently deleted. You will no longer be able to access your Funi account or any of your data.
Important Note: Deleting your user and accounts is a permanent action. Please ensure you have exported any listings or data you wish to keep before proceeding with deletion. We recommend contacting support if you have any questions or concerns before deleting your account.